The Factory of Ministry of Education (Εργοστάσιο Εποπτικών Οργάνων Υπουργείου Παιδείας) was founded in 1950 and it worked until 1990. The period 1950-1955 the factory operates at the ground floor of the precinct of German Archaeological Institute. In 1955 it moved to Palamidou Street in Psirri, where were the old presses of Vradini newspaper. Finally, in 1968 it moved to a group of buildings at Florinis Street in Moshato.
A descriptive and detailed text about the facory can be found (in Greek only) at:
The Ministry of Education printed a catalogue of sceintific instruments for schools in 1975. Most of them were made by the Factory of the Ministry of Education.
The catalogue can be downloaded here: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0Bxcx3Ed4MUg5N1Y4UlNwRVFEaTg