The electron microscope provides an entirely new and revealing method for the microscopic examination of the physical features of specimens whose surface topography renders them unsuitable for replication or sectioning for transmission electron microscopy. The SEM 515 is an instrument for any field - biological or materials science, especially for routine tasks. Coupled with the state-of-the-art PGT IMIX-PC EDS system, it has a wide range of capabilities in high quality imaging and EDS analysis of chemical composition.
SEM 515 specifications
Accelerating voltage
Electron gun
Stage movements
Image media:
5 nm
0.2 to 30 kV
10 to 160,000
Tilt -15° to +60°
Z (one step) 22 mm
Z (fine) 5 mm
X 20 mm
Y 20 mm
Digital storage
Polaroid film
Everhart-Thornley secondary electron detector
Robinson backscattered electron detector